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"The Indie Bible is excellent! A valuable resource tool for all independents. "
- Wholeteam Entertainment

"I think with the rise in popularity of this publication… you will go down in the annals of music history as a true folk hero and trailblazer for the Independent music industry."
- Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck, mi2n

"I spent two long days at the New York Music and Internet Expo hoping to get the resources I needed. I attended every seminar and yet the most worthwhile connection I made was meeting David Wimble and picking up The Indie Bible. It is the most valuable tool I could ever have for breaking into this market. 'Bible' is an understatement... Thank you, thank you, thank you! You made the Expo more than worth my while! "
- Shanynn Raigh, Recording Artist



Internet URLs change at a staggering pace. This is a fact that we have to live with. Fortunately, many sites that move leave a forwarding address. Sometimes a site is down for a lengthy period, then mysteriously appears again. Then there are those that disappear for good.

We are attempting to make the Indie Bible as current as is humanly possible. Along with the release of each new full edition, there will be an update version released as well.

Updates will list all changes since the last full edition (additions, deletions and modifications). This will allow those that have purchased the Indie Bible to remain current without having to purchase another full edition. Updates will be sent by e-mail to subscribers.

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  FAX: (613) 596-2294 PO Box 6043, Ottawa J, Ontario  K2A 1T1  Canada