Motown Automotive Professionals nonprofit  (MAPn)


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Our goal is to provide an avenue for the economically and socially deprived young adults, as they emerge from high school. This will give them a vocation, which will prepare them to be productive members of the community.

Our mission is to train these young adults to be nationally certified automotive technicians.

MAPn is a no-tuition nonprofit vocational automotive technician training facility for the economically and socially deprived young adults, as they emerge from high school.

MAPn is in the development phase, we are aggressively looking for funds to get this school up and running. We need the support of the automotive industry and the community to make this happen.


POLICY: The Motown Automotive Professionals nonprofit will not discriminate against any student, individual or group because of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, marital status, political beliefs or disability.

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